Featured Classes
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Boatbuilding & Woodworking Courses
- Build Your Own Annapolis Wherry
- Build Your Own Eastport Pram or Passagemaker Dinghy
- Build Your Own Northeaster Dory
- Build Your Own Plank-Constructed Pond Yacht
- Build Your Own Points East Pram/Calico Skiff
- Build Your Own Skerry Daysailer
- Build Your Own Stitch-and-Glue Kayak
- Building Half Models
- Building Small Boats
- Building a 16' Rangeley Lake Boat
- Building a Shelburne Dory
- Building a Ship in a Bottle
- Building the 18' Noank Skiff
- Building the Doryak River Dory
- Building the Naskeag 16
- Building the Ocean Pointer
- Canvas Canoe Repair
- Carving Name Boards
- Concepts of Boat Design
- Concepts of Wood Composite Construction
- Elements of Boat Design
- Family Boatbuilding
- Fine Strip-Plank Boat Construction
- Fitting Out Small Boats
- Fundamentals of Boatbuilding
- Fundamentals of Boatbuilding II
- Glued Lapstrake Plywood Construction
- Introduction to Boatbuilding
- Introduction to Building Model Boats
- Introduction to Woodworking
- Lofting
- Paddle Making
- Restore Herreshoff 12 1/2
- Runabout Repair and Restoration
- Small Boat Repair
- Sparmaking
- Stitch-and-Glue Boatbuilding
- Teaching with Small Boats
- The Essentials of Fine Woodworking
- Traditional Plywood Boat Construction
- Woodcarving
- Woodstrip Canoe Construction
Sailing & Kayaking Courses
X Off-Site Courses in Annapolis, MD
x Off-Site in Bronx, NY